A Good Practice Flashback
Unemployment of young people is not a new phenomenon in Europe. An effective strategy would
have to be comprehensive, including all aspects of employability, such as education, vocational
orientation and training, mobility, entrepreneurship and social protection.
As a European partnership of mutual learning, Way 2 Learn 2 Work (W2L2W) has achieved to intensively exchange in the
course of its mobilities (252 delegates out of 12 organisations. It has taken a ‚look behind the scenes‘
of local and regional practice and structures of active labour market policy in nine European
countries, taking up experiences and views not only of social workers, vocational trainers, employers,
public and private employment services but as well as of young participants of employment or training schemes. It has explored the different circumstances and difficult conditions of good practice and innovative approaches, proving that it is possible to prevent today’s young people from
becoming a lost generation.
The Partnership Way 2 Learn 2 Work has taken a ‘look behind the scenes of local and regional
practice and structures of active labour market policy in each of the 9 European countries, hearing
about the experiences and views not only of social workers, vocational trainers, employers, public
and private employment services, but also those of young participants of employment or training
schemes. The Way 2 Learn 2 Work Guidelines Report gives you a good insight in the Way 2 Learn 2 Work partner countries.