The project Reconnect had a catch up on Zoom on the 3rd of June 2021. The Zoom celebrated the finalisation of the Data Analysis Report. Previously we already published articles, explaining the results of the student questionnaires (Click here for Part 1 and here for Part 2) of the ReConnect Blog series ‘Better Digital Teaching and Learning’. Today we publish part 3, with the results of the Teacher Questionaires.
Analyzing the Teacher Questionnaires
The Teacher Questionnaire were taken by 109 teachers from secondary schools from Malta and Turkey. The objective of the 15 questions of this questionnaire is to understand better the perception of students and teachers with regards to their education process and methodologies used. 66.3% of the teachers who have filled the questionnaire come from Malta. The other 33.7% were Turkish teachers. We did not see a significant change of opinion between teachers of Malta and Turkey.
All teachers think it is very important to take into account the knowledge of the student when lessons are given.
Only 1 teacher does not really use online tools. 14.7% of teachers always use online tools. On average we can state that teachers still can make some technical development and should consider using more online tools during their lessons. When we relate this question to the focus groups, we know that a lot of teachers want to educate themselves on ‘technology’ and ‘online teaching’.
Conclusions Teacher Questionnaires
Below we have put the ReConnect conclusions of the ‘Teacher Questionaires’ in two infograpics: