DISFINLIT Kick off Meeting in Madrid, Spain
Last week, the Dutch Foundation of Innovation Welfare 2 Work attended the Kick Off Meeting of the DISFINLIT project at the facilities of CONACEE in Madrid, Spain the 4th and 5th of April.
The partnership is compound by seven organizations from Europe. The applicant is Fundació privada institut d’ estudis financers (ief) from Spain and the partners are: DFW2W from the Netherlands, Effebi from Itali, CONACEE from Spain, ACEEU from Germany and Eurodimensions from Malta. The different backgrounds of the organizations will assure the correct development of the DISFINLIT project.
The project aim is to respond to the needs of high-quality online tools and platforms by developing a tool that will help disabled youth to develop sustainable financial know-how, make smart and sustainable financial decisions, understand money management, deal with a constantly changing economy, navigate inevitable challenges and take charge of their own financial future
In the Kick OFF meeting of the project several points were addressed by the coordinator and the rest of the partners. The coordinator explained the financial and administrative issues as well as the dissemination plan for the whole project. Effebi is in charge of the quality and assurance plan and explained to all the partners how the correct evaluation of the project will be made.
After that, the project coordinator, IEF explained the first two outputs and the responsibilities of each partners in them. All the partnership discussed how to address some points of the project that could maybe be an issue as the definition of “disabled”. Finally, the next transnational partner meeting was set, in October 2022 in Rome.
Let’s keep working!
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