Coming Soon Places-3T Holland
The Partnership PLACES-3T comes to Holland on April 28th-29th 2022. The EU-project is all about 3rd type places for Collaborative Creative Learning and Entrepreneurship. Supported by Erasmus+, the Places-3T aims to develop and make sustainable places of the “third type”, i.e. physical, virtual and/or hybrid collaborative spaces that enable social, cultural and entrepreneurial innovation.
Dutch Foundation hosts at Area071
The Dutch Foundation of Innovation Welfare 2 Work (DFW2W) host the Places-3T partnership at Area071, In Leiderdorp, Zuid-Holland. Area071 is an excellent 3rd Place, a Dutch entrepreneurial hub full of potential, start-ups and young entrepreneurs. On the agenda a presentation by Bart Hoenen on the 28th, accompanied by a tour. On the 29th we will also attend the Comon Market of young marketeers and entrepreneurs offering their services to businesses in the region Leiden/Leiderdorp (the 071-region).
Dutch Places-3T Agenda