
EAER GoToWebinar Multiplier Event Pretty Successful

EAER GoToWebinar Multiplier Event Pretty Successful

On Tuesday 9 February 2021, between 9:30 am-12:30 pm the final online event of the EAER Project showcased all the work produced by the partnership.

The European Action for Employment in Recovery (EAER) project is a partnership of four European organisations with the aim to use collective knowledge to create resources that would help people in recovery access employment and to share knowledge and practice with other organisations working in employability projects with people who have a history of problem drug use.

The Social Me EAER Support tools and packages

The event highlighted the resources created for the project and presentations included;

  • Examples of good practice in employability and recovery
  • An overview of a good practice guide to training, support, and qualifications across Europe.
  • EAER online platform which will host the EAER project with a number of interactive features
  • SocialMe and digital identity

More then 112 participants register and joined the multiplier event.

EAER partners

The EAER partners are:

  • Scottish Drugs Forum (Scotland)
  • Dutch Foundation Innovation in Welfare 2 Work (Netherlands)
  • Agência Piaget para o Desenvolvimento (Portugal)
  • Comunità “La Tenda” Cooperativa Sociale (Italy)

People who have a history of drug and alcohol problems, and those who are current problem drug users face significant social and economic inequalities and are marginalised within society particularly in terms of their education, training, and employment. Long term drug users can face a cycle of disadvantage where poor school experiences lead to low participation in post-school education and less work experience and so less vocational training. Their employment prospects are greatly reduced as are other factors including confidence and understanding of the labour market. They also face significant stigma from employers and others.

The project objectives of the EAER project are:

  • To deliver positive and long-lasting effects on policy and participating organisations through building more employability and employment opportunities for people who use or have used substances
  • To deliver positive and long-lasting effects on people participating in the programme through increased knowledge, skills, and motivation to improve services

GoToWebinar EAER

As said, more then 112 participants signed up and joined the online event. Speakers were Pieter van Schie (Dutch Foundation of Innovation Welfare 2 Work, Colin Pomeroy (Scottish Drugs Forum), Diana Castro (APDES) and Valentina Chanina(La Tenda)

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