The most valuable of all capital is to invest in young people. That is the message within the project. Youth unemployment is an enormous challange that needs to be tackled in a concerted and realistic way. We need initiatives that have the potential to go to scale. The partnership ‘Way to Learn to work’ is such an initiative. We will do this by exploring and comparing the used local & national educational VET- programs (used by the core partners & silent partners) focused on (long term) unemployed young adults and the possibilities to adapt them to a Work first (e.g. Werkcenter Model but also programmes which access to school-based New Apprenticeships) approach in the country of the partners.
It’s a fact that young people excluded from the labour force for long periods are deprived of on-the-job learning leaving them with a skills deficit that they will never able to catch up. In our experience VET-training is essential to fill the gap between the need of employers and the lack of competences of a lot of unemployed young adults. To strengthen the employment policies in the participating countries we are going to compare the different use of (short term) VET-training within the reintegration/welfare to work programs for young adults
Linking Education and Business
The objective of this partnership is to bridge the gap between the world of business and education developing a Project based on some of the employment sites listed in the White Paper on Employment of the E.U.: Tourism, Education, and ICTs.
The NetMe-In project is initiated by European partners from France, Italy, Croatia, Holland, Spain and Turkey and a very good example of the digital society of today. This European project is focused on building a safe digital identity for the young jobseeker and how to marketeer yourself into the world of work: 4 volets Netme-in_A5_Web Flyer
The Partnership PROfesional and personal empowerment in social FARMing is a collabouration of Italian, German and Dutch organisations and is co-funded by the European Union. The main objective of the PROFARM project is to experiment a model that can contribute to the well-being, professional/personal growth and the social integration of VET students with disabilities in the field of agricultural production.
@profarmproject –
In line with the Europe 2020 strategy & the Youth on the Move flagship initiative which facilitates transitions from school to work, the JC_NETWORK targets young unemployed people who have stopped looking for a job or training experience at least for 6 months. The aim will be; Providing young people a chance to meet with their peers; Start a guided process, and being able to find their way in the social jungle. Accordingly, the birth of a network of JCs in Europe must be fostered.
@jobclubsnetwork –
The City of Glasgow (Scotland) is growing in opportunities for people who face employment barriers, and the Employability Public Social Partnership (PSP), Elevate-Glasgow, is a prime example. Elevate links NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde with over 30 Third Sector organisations to shape personalised employment support and a range of professional development opportunities to people in recovery.
Glasgow Council on Alcohol is the lead partner for this work, while Scottish Drugs Forum (SDF) Chief Executive Officer David Liddell chairs the activity of the Placements and Volunteering Work Stream of the PSP. Other organisations involved are Light on the Path, Phoenix Futures and the Scottish Recovery Consortium, and of course the Dutch Foundation of Innovation Welfare 2 work. Elevate is a mobility project, that has KA2 knowledge elements as well. A Dutch study visit in the Rotterdam region, was included: how employability for disadvantaged groups is delivered and how employers and service providers engage with people in recovery.
For more information about Elevate click on A Blog from Chris Messenger – Erasmus Study Visit to Rotterdam 2017
This project aims at promoting the exchange of good practices in the field of networking-based activities for young unemployed people. By taking part in several EU and national projects, consortium partners have observed that traditional employment services tend to result ineffective in comparison with more innovative, informal and flexible solutions such as those based on networking and training support. Youth Worknet proposes the exchange of a set of networking-based practices to be transferred and implemented in different contexts with similar needs.
Social Media Savvy is a partnership with 3 organisations from Spain (AEBL), Netherlands (Dutch Foundation of Innovation Welfare 2 Work) and United Kingdom (Werkcenter Scotland). It’s all about: Branding Yourself Professionally on Social Media