Hybrid Meeting Greece VET-WBL
During August 24th-25th 2021 the partnership ‘Çreating VET Business Partnerships for Work-Based Learning’ came together for the Hybrid meeting (OnLine and face-to-face) in Larissa Greece. In this very successful meeting we discussed and presented our progress so far with our products and intelectual outputs: VET-WBL Guide, Passport to Success and the VET-WBL Platform.
On day 1 of the Greek hybrid meeting Pieter van Schie presented the VET-WBL Guide and the Passport to Success. The VET-WBL Guide has reached the final concept stage. The VET-WBL Guide is a comprehensive good practice guide detailing the steps towards setting up and running a work based learning programme for schools and companies in accessing employment or employability training.
The 120 pages WBL guide includes information about the VET systems in the partnership countries, statistics of the youth unemployment rates and leavers from Education and Training in the European Union and the VET-WBL countries. Further it provides examples of good practice and work based learning templates, student, tutor and employer surveys, partnership agreements and service user consultation tools.
We have carefully described the definition and outline of the structure of the work-based learning activities regarding the ‘VET business partnership for WBL’ skills qualification, and the assessment criteria for identifying this as a good practice of work-based learning.
The aim is to provide an overview of theoretical perspectives on Work based learning education, support for young people, schools and companies out there. This Guide is for schools and companies, finding the identifying ‘good practices’, to use this knowledge to be able to innovate and have impact. We anticipate that this will likely include training, self-education, and practice by doing.
The desk research and Study Analysis has given us an overview of relevant theoretical perspectives which enhances Work Based Learning / VET interventions for schools working with companies and vise versa and / or support services in each state of partner organisations. The guide will be able to be adapted for use across a range of sectors.
To take quality steps, we have shaped everything in a very organized way. In this process, we have first developed a template for the VET-WBL Country Reports, including the data gathered from each participant country to understand how work based learning works with a good validated plan. The validation is done through practice by doing. Currently we are editing and finetuning the VET-WBL Guide.
Passport 2 Success / VET-WBL Platform
On day 1 the Passport 2 Success also was presented. We will publish an article in a couple of weeks to show our progress on this particular service.
The VET-WBL Platform was presented by Thomas and Tereza of Wisamar on Day 2 of the hybrid meeting. Thomas explained how the teachers, students and companies can create profiles and use the platform to their advantage. There is still some work to do, but looks already terrific. The platform will be translated in each VET-WBL country language. The Platform is still in a test environment, but will be OnLine soon…