The project Young Migrant Entrepreneurs had a very successful expertise meeting about entrepreneurship among young migrants. The vibrant city of Istanbul was the place to be, with 550.00 Syrian (entrepreneurial) refugees on a population of 15,2 million.
Entrepreneurial Assessment
The Core of the YME project is that we support and back up young entrepreneurs. A self-assessment tool to kick off any entrepreneurial journey seems like an approprate start. Through this Skils Tool, which can be filled in their own language we can draw up an excellent skills profile. The Skills Profile Tool helps to document the skills, qualifications and work experience of the young migrants, to issue personalised guidance on further steps.
A cardinal aspect of every self-assessment activity is the honesty with which it is applied. If the person indulges herself/himself, the results of self-assessment will be erroneous.
Andrei Dumitrescu – UPB
The honesty of the young migrant who performs self-assessment is important in order to obtain reliable results. Also, the locus of control can influence the results of self-assessment. Young migrants with high locus of control tend to make mistakes during self-assessment. The file which will be produced through the EU Skills Tool will be uploaded in the YME project, which will follow up wirh a psychiometric assessment (still in progress).
Comics Style
One of the style elements we have agreed upon, right from the start is that the Guidance of the young entrepreneurs will be in a Comics Style.
The Learning Mobility in Istanbul was a good verification of the concepts and directions we want to give to young migrant entrepreneurs and their teachers.