Places 3-T

The Partnership PLACES-3T is all about 3rd type places for Collaborative Creative Learning and Entrepreneurship. Supported by Erasmus+, the European project Places-3T aims to develop and make sustainable places of the “third type”, i.e. physical, virtual and/or hybrid collaborative spaces that enable social, cultural and entrepreneurial innovation.
Create your own Journey
The economic, social, environmental structures, employment, training, insertion, guidance in a constantly and rapidly evolving universe, lead to imagine new routes so that every person may create their own place into the ecosystem. The current development of working modalities implies more and more to reflect upon, and be able to implement successfully, the possibility of working in a hybrid way, partly on site and partly at distance.
Out of Institutional systems, various experiments have evidenced the desire and the possibility to develop spaces and places that enable people to find themselves, create their own journey, though cooperation, co-creation, co-learning.
The PLACES-3T Spaces are special, anchored in their territorial, social, cultural context. They support people in developing new ways of learning, creating value, based on new success criteria: trust building – trust in yourself, in others, in the future; respect of the persons and of the planet; valorisation of abilities acquired previously, and developed in cooperation and collaboration; value of the creative thinking (“flip thinking”).

The Partnership PLACES-3T will develop
- a repository of successful innovative European practices;
- a set of key success factors that may be re-appropriated in new contexts;
- elements of sustainable business models that may be re-appropriated in new contexts;
- elements to support the decision in process of hybridizing the spaces;
- a methodology to accompany actors in creating, and animating “PLACES-3T Places”;
- pilot actions to experiment real life field implementations;
- recommendations towards the decision and policy makers, who have the levers to enable the creation, support the development and sustain the life of these spaces.
Places-3T Partner Organisations
Below a short introduction of the Places-3T partner organisations involved. All partners will be properly introduced and disseminated through our Places-3T Social Media accounts and added in this article asap (untill the introduction of all partners is complete. In the framework of an Erasmus+ strategic partnership, this project brings together 7 structures with specific and complementary fields of expertise spread over 5 regions in 5 European countries:
- Smart (Belgium) (leader)
Smart kis the leader of the Places-3T partnership and was set up in Belgium in 1998 as a not-for profit organisation by Pierre Burnotte and Julek Jurowicz, the Société Mutuelle pour artistes (SMart) (Mutual Company for Artists) converted into a Société Coopérative à Responsabilité Limitée et à Finalité Sociale (SCRLFS) (Limited Liability Cooperative Society with A Social Purpose) in 2017. More recently, it decided to drop its acronym, retaining only the resulting name. This change of identity highlights the cooperative’s willingness to reflect the diversity of the profiles of all the workers, women and men, who call on its services, regardless of the line of work they are in.
Smart is there for anyone who needs us. Regardless of the profile of its users (service providers, artists, VSBs/SMEs, associations, etc.), whether they are working for a day or working to develop their activities on a sustainable full-time basis, whether they are planning to employ staff, looking to make substantial investments or simply need to bill a one-off service provided, Smart has the right solution for them. Smart is a European group that operates in nine countries, with sites in close to 40 towns and cities. Smart manages, either by itself or in partnership, around ten third places across Europe: LaVallée in Molenbeek and the Bazaar St-S
- FREREF (France) (co-coordinator): The Forum of European Regions for Research, Education and Training (FREREF[2]), is a non-profit international association (AISBL) founded in 1991 at the initiative of Catalonia, Lombardy and Rhône-Alpes, quickly joined by Baden-Württemberg, the French community of Wallonia-Brussels, Genova canton, Luxembourg and the Baleares region. FREREF is acting to put Lifelong Learning into practice and into politics and is aimed to be the instrument of European Regions in the field of education and training to set up a platform for dialogue and cooperation. FREREF is currently providing support for about 20 European regions in their initiatives for Lifelong Learning.
- AFPA (Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France)
- CEIS (Emilia Romagna, Italy)
- FUEIB (Islas Baleares, Spain)
- DFOIW2W (Netherlands): The Dutch Foundation of Innovation Welfare 2 Work (DFW2W) is an independent, non-profit organisation, based in the ‘Dream Bigger Do Bigger’ Rotterdam Region (Holland), which supports professionals (e.g. European institutes, municipalities, councils, provinces, governments, employment agencies, training providers, youth work organisations, non-profit organisations) and young people (aged 14-35) to reach their full potential in the fields of (youth) employment, traineeship, education, social innovation, social inclusion and (young) entrepreneurship. You can follow DFW2W on twitter (@DFOIW2W), Instagram (@DFW2W) and Facebook (@DutchFoundationOfInnovationWelfare2Work).
- POUR LA SOLIDARITÉ – PLS (Belgium) : PLS were founded in 2002 and based in Brussels, Belgium, POUR LA SOLIDARITÉ – PLS is an independent think & do tank committed to promoting solidarity and sustainability in Europe. PLS is mobilising to defend and consolidate the European social model, which is made up of the subtle balance between economic development and social justice. PLS focuses all its activities on five thematic areas: social economy, social affairs, corporate social responsibility and diversity, sustainable development and citizen participation. For the Places-3T project, PLS brings its expertise in both the development and sustainability of innovative tools for various types of third-place stakeholders, its network of European players and structures operating in the related field, as well as its expertise in research and analysis. PLS is notably in charge of coordinating project’s policy recommendations: capitalising on how to maximise the impacts and ensure the sustainability of project tools. PLS also has recently published an article: Read here
Social media Accounts and Website Places-3T
Currently the Partnership Places-3T is active on the following social media accounts:
Facebook: @Places3T
Twitter: @3tPlaces