Places-3t – Manu Village
The Partnership PLACES-3T is up to speed and visited Manu Village in Lyon september 29th-30th 2022. The EU-project is all about 3rd type places for Collaborative Creative Learning and Entrepreneurship. Supported by Erasmus+, the Places-3T partnership is at the verge starting with their pilot actions, which aims to further develop and make sustainable places of the “third type”, i.e. physical, virtual and/or hybrid collaborative spaces that enable social, cultural and entrepreneurial innovation.
Accompaniment Process
The Places-3t path has brought us to Manu Village in Lyon, France. During the transnational project meeting we discussed the current stage of advancement. A lot of mini-COOL examples and scenarios were displayed, such as an animation version of how to set up a places-3t. This animation will soon go live! Also the partnership thinks it will be very interesting to do short Questions & Answers videos (e.g. like Linked Learning) .
Italian Pilot-action Goals
The Italian Places-3T perspective is two-fold: Starting from existing projects and starting from the Mini-COOLs. The Italian pilot-actions are focused on setting up helpdesks to accompany actors in places evolutions, around:
- Italian Federation Therapetic Community. Create a Support Desk: To support young people in which way they consider themselves Places-3t and how they can act as a Places-3t hub, re-entering young people in the labour market
- Regional office of Emelia-Romagna Youth Policies: Support a youth places-3t to be a real network: Add the EU dimension
- Supporting professionals by learning how to support Places-3t traineeships: A marketplace for good practices
- Implementing Mini-COOLs in private spaces and creating network links among them
Spanish Pilot-actions
The Spanish perspective is focused on the Fab Lab space in Ibiza, where the young people can create objects with a computer and develop innovative ideas. the main goal is to make the Fab lab space more dynamic for young students and young entrepreneurs. The period of the action is October 2022-February 2023. The City Council will help and promote their ideas, accompanied with the professors of the Universitities of the Bealearic Islands. Five activities are implemented during the pilot actions:
- Recruitment of the young people and stakeholders to carry out the pilot-actons
- Through a seminar is explained what objectives are and what we want to achieve
- Training and learning through mini cools, as a self-learning practise
- job orientation session on entrepreneurship, with counseling sessions and assessments
- (Preperation of the) Reports
The personal assessments could be done through practice by doing and at the same time in a class structure. This is currently the rough framework around the Fab Lab spaces.
Pilot-actions Belgium: From mini-COOL to BIG-COOL
Since March 2022 Smart decided that La Vallee will be taken out the SMART structure and becoming independent. This means that SMART will accompany La Vallee for another 3 years but will let them go after this 3 years of accompaniment. This means La Valleen neeeds to subsitute a big loss of finances. There is a two-speed
- SMART is open for ideas how to run La Vallee on short term – How will it be run on short term?
- What will be the new La Vallee structure after 3 years?
This is a very challlenging adventure. How are we going to frame the pilot-action? Foreign examples can be a best practice to improve the current business and make it a profitable independent one.
Hybridasation of a Places-3T
Another pilot-action takes place around hybridisation: The process, actors, activities and resources must be going from online to hybride. So, how to create a real-community in person as well? It’s about networking from different places. An action plan will be made on short term.
Dutch Pilot-actions
The Dutch are focussing on 2 pilot-actions
- Setting up a new Entreneurial hub in the Hague – It’s initial stage has just begun and is very depending on the back up fo the municipality of The Hague and the University Leiden (Campus The Hague)
- Fine tuning the Care hub Sittard-Geleen, a 3rd place of ‘Care and Work’ and expand it to other Dutch municipalities
French pilot-actions
The French are developing the following pilot-action activities
- AFPA Venissieux: Meeting point early Octobre 2022
- AFPA Pont de Claix, currently creating a new 3rd place
- Special Focus on migrants accompaniment is also a very interesting 3rd place
- Formalise the intention of a 3rd place in deserted village: CCC – Elected in a small village in Drome with an issue of desertification (a lot of people leave the area). This project is financed on a national/European grants to develop the village from rural deserted place into a vibrantdynamic ‘village centres. So the project aims here to create a ‘scattered’ 3rd place in the village centre: Keeping what is already existing, regrooming some elementswith local antennas with different competences. To reanimate the village centres and keep the activities going…
AFEV – Des Espaces de Vie
The aim is to connect the Priority districts with the university, the AFEV students, to create solidarity. Students are offered co-living spaces, which they also share with the local community and the students need to support the local community with projects for their local community. The 3rd places are all different because of the different regions/districts, it’s a social public service which aim is that in the future it generates money and added value to the local social eco system. The AFEV-students are given housing in co-living spaces, which als include social services for the local community. The students usually stay in the community for a short period (1-2 years) and pay lower rent, because they are part of these social projects. The universities give credits for the work the students do. So the students gain work experience, earn credits and progress in their study and the local community (the priority district) profits from the social work the students do for the local community.
The students have freedom and are self-organised, they decide what they want to initiate for the local community. The 15 priority districts usually have a population with a migrant background. Through a natural process the co-living spaces involve the local population. This is also known as Solidarity Kaps: The activities are a.o: Supporting services for mental health, sustainabilliyty services (community gardens), supporting isolated old people, waste management solutions, introducing priority district youth to university life and introducing students to street life, etc…
Currently the perspective of the 3rd places (the so-called Solidarity Kaps) are two-fold:
- 3rd places in the university, to open the university for the priority districts
- 3rd places in the priority district, to open the district for the university