Places-t Final Event: La Place, le Travail, l’Inattendu

On Wedsnesday July 5th the final Places-t event took place in La Vallée, Brussels. The title of the conference is examplanatory for the discussions and presentations during the multiplier event: ‘The Place, the work and the unexpected’. Below a grasp of the programme covered:

A collaborative and Creative Partnership

The project Places-t is a ‘collaborative, ceative learning entrepreneurship’ partnership. The final event was kicked off by Liliane Esnault (left), Pierre Pevee (stuck in the middle) and Claude Costechareyre (right), our moderator and host of the day: ‘The idea of the project was to better learn and have a good grasp of practice by doing with the 3rd places in the participating countries (Spain, Italy, France, Netherlands and Belgium).
During the morning session the first speakers were Barbara Stacher, DG Education, Arts and Culture and Marco Cecchinato from AEF Europe/EPALE, the adult learning network in Europe. Barbara explained some current programmes running in the EU, like a.o:

- Culture Moves Europe;
- KIC;
- Skills;
- S-T-A-R-T-S;
- CulturEU, and last but not least;
- Erasmus Plus.
She also told how you can fund your ideas!
Key success Factors for 3rd kind places
Good practice business models which were showcased by panel members Lluis Tudela, Andrea Ascari, Pieter van Schie, Sanjin Plakalo and Christina :
- Manu Village
- LaVallée
- FABLAB Eivissa
- AREA071
- PolyLab

From Idea to added Business Value and Happy Place
Pieter van Schie presented ‘From Idea to added Business Value & Happy Place’: AREA071 is such an entrepreneurial happy place! The Dutch 3rd place went from a small little hub to an amazing big 2500 square feet place. So, how can you create an AREA071 2.0?

Some of the pointers on slide 2 are a bit contradictory:
- Sometimes you don’t know ideas are possible and do able, either way start up: Go do
- Make sure your ideas are framed with an ‘institutionalised yes’. If people don’t think it’s a good idea, then they have to write a 2-page essay why it cannot be done. A little bit like the movia with Jim Carrey ‘Yes, Man’
- Start doing, practise by doing is the most important element for success and to get to new problems: You would not bump into these problems, if you weren’t started…
- Write a business plan in detail , but do not always stick to it: New ideas and new problems usually don’t fit in a detailed plan: ‘Some answers you have to find on the go’
- Sometimes the structure will limit your solutions on things!
Places-t Workshops and Afternoon Sessions
The workshops ‘Do you want a Place-3t?’; ‘Is your Place a 3-t?” and ‘How to Support current and future Places-3t?’ In the afternoon sessions more places of the 3rd kind examples were discussed… Below we will showcase a PicGrid with a segment of the deliverables generates during the workshops: