Another ProCKD Transnational Project Meeting is currently being held in Madrid. On May 9th-10th 2022 we had a meeting in Madrid, Spain. The ProCKD project focuses on the needs and problems of patients with chronic kidney desease to support them in training and education, employment and entrepreneurship, removing the obstacles for a person who wish to have a fulfilling professional life.

The Federación Nacional de Asociaciones ALCER organised the transnational meeting and had arranged a very varied programme, with among others a visit to COCEMFE, the Spanish Confederation of People with Physical and Organic Disabilities.
The meeting in Madrid was perfectly coherent with the objectives of the partnership, has been well developed according to the initial planning and has dealt with all the aspects related to the
development of the ProCKD project and presentations on the perspectives brought by each organisation to the project topic: the improvement of working conditions for both maintenance and job search of patients with chronic kidney diseases or patients designated as ESRD (End Stage Renal Disease), especially those patients who face numerous barriers after starting dialysis treatments.
ProCKD Good Practices
Currently all partners are gathering their good practices. It will be very good to see what kind of elements work in each partner country, so we will be able to find out the key elements of a succesful future ProCKD project implemenetation.