
Reconnect – Cyber Bullying

Reconnect – Cyber Bullying

In the week of October 30th – November 5th we have arranged a Reconnect Training learning mobility for Turkish and Maltese students. The blended pilot training took place with more than 40 students from Gorg Preca Middle School in Malta and Akdeniz Ortaokulu secondary school in Turkey. The Project Reconnect is about reconnecting young people and educators in the ever developing digital world through education. ReConnect is a project coordinated by Prisms NGO from Malta and the Dutch Foundation. One of the topics we discussed last week was about cyber bullying. This week we will implement the Reconnect training for teachers and trainers in the safest country of the European Union as regards to Covid: Malta.

Stop Cyber Bullying – Are you being bullied?

If you are worried about your safety or something that has happened to you online, urgently speak to an adult you trust. Or visit Child Helpline International to find help in your country: Click here.

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