
Six Marketing Tips from the YME Project

Six Marketing Tips from the YME Project

Below the YME Project gives you Six Marketing Tips and Tricks. These tips and tricks are taken out of the Guide for Young migrant Entrepreneurs. By the way, don’t miss out our OnLine You Tube Multiplier event on April 22nd (Sign up here)

1.Have a memorable LOGO

When you start a company, you need to make yourself known, memorable, and quick to be reminded when you see its logo! Having a memorable logo, it’s helping you getting in people’s mind, let’s check some examples:

For example – Nike’s logo; as soon as you see this “swoosh” you’ll know what brand it is, even without seeing the word “NIKE”. Or think reverse, when you think about a known brand, you’ll have its logo in your head!

2.Actions for improvement the client fidelity

We all want loyal clients, who come to us when they need something that can be found in our product range, right?

So, there are some ways where we can make them be “ours”, let’s think about discounts, “buy 2 -get 3” offers, pre-sale offers or having any little advantage than any other normal client.

3.Try to make your original research

When you want to be a reseller, provider or dealer, better have your own original research accredited by a good, known company or certifier.

Having your own research may make your clients have more trust in your brand! Think about it!

4.Invest in social media

In 2021 this is the best way to launch your brand.

We are millions of users of the internet, the social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc.). There is Google Ads, where you can directly pay to have some advertisements on different platforms. Or you can have some partnership with some influent people on the internet, this factor may impact your brand, but also may cost less/ more depending on the number of followers/ subscribers.

These years, this is the most favourable way to promote your goods. People tend to like what their idols like, making you, as a client, get impressed by their opinions and ideas.

5.Film some Ads

Make some advertisements in video format. When you see the products “working”, things may look more likeable. Video remained a popular digital marketing tactic in 2019, and it’s a must marketing strategy for this year, too. Try to include tutorials, testimonials or behind-the-scenes footage, anything that may connect you with the client.

6.Digitises UP!

Everything happens digitally now, your company has too. Make websites, phone apps, anything that can make your client get in contact with you easy and fast! Keep them in touch with you, make some online polls to see what your client needs!

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