Social Me Train The Trainer Package
Social Media is a powerful tool. One of the aims of the EAER project is to raise awareness of appropriate social media use and it’s value in developing a digital professional social identity and branding one’s self (‘Social Me’), particularly regarding job searching among people in recovery and their professionals / trainers. The Social Me Train the Trainer Package is a guide for trainers, trainers and care workers who are training people in recovery to boost their ‘Social Me’: Their personal Digital Professional Identity (DPI).
The EAER Project is realised by four partners organisations from the United Kingdom (Scottish Drugs Forum), Italy (La Tenda), Portugal (APDES) and the Netherlands (Dutch Foundation of Innovation Welfare 2 Work).
Three Social Media Bottlenecks
The EAER partnership have found three bottlenecks regarding social media expertise:
1. The importance of being a professional social media user as regards to job seeking and entrepreneurship is insufficiently understood and recognised in the education, care and welfare to work culture and among the people in recovery (usually social media is only used for fun).
2. Trainers and staff i.e. support workers and case managers, are insufficiently trained in Professional Social Media Use. An important note: When a Care worker is very good in his / her job, that does not mean the care worker is also good in job coaching, job search and social media guidance. It’s important as a trainer that you know your strengths and are also willing to put in hours to learn as a ‘Social Me’ trainer.
3. There is not enough available training material for Social Media Use as regards to job search and people in recovery.
The Social Me workshops, the DPI Social Media Support Package for Professionals and the Trainer The Trainer Package are developed to battle these three bottlenecks.
Social Me Trainer the Trainer Package
The Social Me Train the Trainer Package is a guide for trainers, trainers and care workers who are training people in recovery to boost their ‘Social Me’: Their personal Digital Professional Identity (DPI). The aim of this guide is to provide trainers and trainers and care workers with a framework to support professional social media use and help them setting up a professional social (me)dia profile. It will optimise learning of people in recovery students in the classroom or online through focused on the ‘Social Me’ workshop training method.
The aim is to supply trainers and care workers offering a comprehensive set of measures created with various specialists across Europe and is easily followed to implement and to replicate it in any other EU country. We discovered during the digital blended mobility on November 26th 2020. The workshop training approach (Social Me) should not be to much in an educational framework to reflect the vision of people in recovery. Currently the Train the Trainer Package is ready in concept. We will publish as soon as possible and speak about it on our digital EAER Mulitplier Event January 28th 2021.