Syrian Entrepreneurship boosts Turkish Economy
As a first attempt for the social integration of Syrians in Turkey the Turkish Ministry of National Education (TMNE) is mainly focused on their education. There are 3.5 million Syrians in Turkey and 1.1 Million are between the ages 5-18. Even though there are immense efforts to provide education to the Syrian children in Turkey, only 650.000 are currently being educated in public schools. Another important feature is that Syrian entrepreneurs are gaining ground and boosting the Turkish economy.
Language Challenge
The challenging part of Syrian children’s integration is language training. Providing full-fledged Turkish language training is still a developing area with all efforts and support of MoNE.
Employment and Entrepreneurship
At the beginning of 2016, Turkey amended its legislation so that refugees could take up employment legally. Syrian refugees are now able to obtain a work permit and gain access to the vocational education and training system. By earning a living or acquiring a professional qualification, refugees have the opportunity to become active members of the Turkish economy rather than continuing to receive aid. Until now, labour market institutions and vocational schools have been able to offer only a limited range of services to meet the needs of Syrian refugees. Many refugees do not have the necessary knowledge of Turkish. As a result of the war, they were unable to complete their training and are no longer in possession of their course certificates. Furthermore, they are not familiar with the Turkish labour market and the advisory services available. As a support to this condition, starting from the 2016-17 academic year, Syrians may enrol in public education centres that specialize in training for many different job profiles: Click here for the modules.
Syrian Entrepreneurship in Turkey
Syrian entrepreneurs are gaining ground in the Turkish economy. The engagement in urban lifestyle means making ends meet depends on the available jobs in the Turkish private sector. Nevertheless, not every forcibly displaced person is preferring wage employment. Some Syrians seek to create their own businesses. While inability to find a job motivates some other refugees to become entrepreneurs. Ofcourse some refugees already have existing experience as being an entrepreneur. Examples from a number of countries show that being a migrant destination country positively contributes to the country’s national and local economy. Turkey, in this regard, is not an exception. This is not only because the country is hosting Syrians but also due to the companies established by Syrian entrepreneurs who are emerging as economic actors and as agents for social cohesion.
Join the Online YME Multiplier Event
Click here to join the Online YME multiplier event on April 22nd 2021 !
9.30-9.40 – Opening and Welcome
9.40-9.55 – Short Presentations of the YME Partners (BU, CPA, DFW2W, UPB, MoNE, WS)
9.55-10.15 – Overview of the YME Project: Inst. Burcu Ertürk Kılıç & Assoc. Prof. Burcu Rodopman, BU
10.15-11.00 – Introduction of the Green Book as the Final Output, Carla De Vreij, DFW2W
11.00-11.15 Short Break
11.15 – 12.00 -Presentation of the E-Assessment Tool & the Platform in Brief UPB Universitatea Politehnica din București
12.00 – 13.00 – Panel: Entrepreneurship & Doing Business as a Migrant / Moderator: Pieter Van Schie, Werkcenter Scotland Director, Geoff Leask, Chief Executive, Young Enterprise Scotland, Bart Hoenen, Entrepreneur, Usman Yaseen, Sonik Pocket Co-Founder & CEO, Dr. Samuel Mwaura, Lecturer, Researcher and Impact Generator
13.00-13.30 Lunch Break
13.30 – 14.30 – Panel: Enterprise: an Inclusion Tool / Moderator: Giuseppina Bomba, CPA Director Speakers TBC
14.30-14.45 – Short Break
14:45 – 16.00 – Panel: Young Migrant Empowerment / Moderator: Dr. Tamer Atabarut, BULLC & UN SDSN Director Asst. Prof. Dr.Oğuzhan Aygören, BU Entrepreneurship Centre Director, Mehmet Uvez, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Principal Inclusion Specialist / “Syrian Entrepreneurs in Turkey: Integration by Interaction”. Özlem Kalkan, MoNE, “The Social and Economic Adaptation of Migrants through VET Including the Entrepreneurship Issues” Seda Dolaner, ASAM, “Migrant Empowerment Good Practice”
Meet the Syrian refugees turned entrepreneurs living in Turkey
Watch the video of Syrian refugees launching businesses and creating jobs in Turkey:
Story of a young Syrian entrepreneur
Watch the story of this Young Syrian entrepreneur, an example of determination:
From Refugee Camp to Successful Entrepreneur
Syrian refugee entrepreneur turns shed into chocolate factory
This video of Scotta Nova News shows How previous skills can help you turn a shed into a successful chocolate factory
App helps Refugees find jobs in Turkey
How a Syrian entrepreneur developed an app to help Syrian refugees:
Refugees and entrepreneurship and Turkey: Starting from Zero
The video summarizes and explores the real-life difficulties and obstacles that may be encountered by individuals such as refugees who need to rebuild their lives in foreign countries
Entrepreneurship animated video – Arijit Bhattacharyya
Watch Oğuzhan Aygören’s You Tube Channel for more Entrepreneurship videos.
GTO Suriyeli Girişimciler Animasyonu
YouTube Videos in Arabic
The video about the ‘Arab Rally for Entrepreneurship 2019‘ is the first Arab Race to Develop the Spirit of Innovation Among Young People. The Arab Entrepreneurship Rally is a competition powered by the AAST Center of Entrepreneurship at the Arab Academy for Science, Technology, and Maritime Transport for people who want to start their own business.
Visit the website of the Entrepreneurshiprally
A motivational video with reference to paragraph the Entrepreneurial movie The Pursuit of Happynes and the Rocky Balboa Inspirational Speech:
Prove Them Wrong Motivational Video
This blog is affiliated to the YME Project . Do you want to join our OnLine Multiplier event on April 22nd 2021, click here