
Posts Tagged 3T

Places-3T OnLine Meeting and Workshop

Places-3T OnLine Meeting and Workshop

Why this trend for third places? We spoke about about this during our OnLine meeting on May 25th. During the Places-3T Workshop on June 3rd we will talk more in-depth about the many factors influencing this trend. Among others: those linked to the “delocalisation of tertiary and/or managerial work or including customer relations, for example, which was thought to be dependent on “face-to-face” meetings, or those linked to the flexibilisation of the workforce – and therefore of the necessary square meters … But beyond these simple considerations of the profitability of physical locations, it seems interesting to “reverse” the proposal and to take advantage of it to open up new ideas, which make it possible to combine severa new approaches: the creation of value, well-being at work, the spirit of entrepreneurship, the sharing of values, welcoming and inclusive environments, social and technological innovation, culture and artistic enrichment, etc

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