
Posts Tagged Manual

Digital Tourism Qualification Manual

Digital Tourism Qualification Manual

Digital Tourism Qualification Manual
Work-Based Learning (WBL) is an effective teaching approach used to engage students in real-life occupational experiences. It incorporates structured, work-based learning activities into
the curriculum, allowing a student to apply knowledge and skills learned in class and connect these learning experiences in the workplace. Work-based learning provides students with the opportunity to engage and interact with employers, while learning to demonstrate essential employability and technical skills necessary for today’s workforce.

The purpose of the DTQ Manual is to provide guidance and direction for schools when developing and implementing the components of work-based learning experiences outlined in the Digital Tourism Qualification. The guidance and tools included within this resource are critical to all teachers, tutors, supervisors and administrators involved in the coordination of the Digital Tourism Qualification work-based learning program.
The Digital Tourism Qualification Manual has 6 parts:
1. Description and professional profile Digital Tourism;
2. Syllabus DTQ;
3. SDQ Learning Modules;
4. DTQ Learning Plan;
5. DTQ Assessment (specification of the learning outcomes (4.3); competence, knowledge, skills);
6. Cesure and Rating Report.

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