Pro-CKD Project – Istanbul
The Project ProCKD targets patients with Chronic Kidney Disease. We wish to employ Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease, support their employment and employability and entrepreneurship. It’s not for caregivers and not necessarily for social entrepreneurship. Patients with CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease) or ESRD (End Stage Renal Disease) face many barriers to remaining in or joining the workforce, especially after starting dialysis treatment. These barriers include poor employment opportunities because of disadvantaged socioeconomic status, fatigue and other symptoms of renal failure, depression and feelings of social isolation, comorbid diseases, transportation issues, potential loss of disability and/or medical assistance benefits with employment, scheduling conflicts with dialysis, and the assumption by some employers that patients on dialysis are too sick or undependable to work. During the Istanbul Meeting we addressed the opportunities, challenges and approaches of the partnership from a Turkish perspective.
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