The project Digital Tourism has created the Digital Tourism Qualification Forum. This dedicated Facebook Group has published the first show from April 29th 2021. The digital show ‘Tourism Talks’ will have its second episode on Thursday May 27th: Register here and join us. Topic of this second show is: ‘Digital Experiences for the hospitality Sector’ The Toursim Talks show will run all the way during 2021.
Digital Experiences for the Hospitality Sector
The show ‘DIGITAL EXPERIENCES FOR THE HOSPITALITY SECTOR’ will go live 27 May, 2021 | 13:00-14:00 CEST
Join the Zoom Meeting (Meeting ID: 882 9462 0288 / Passcode: 518763) and watch our experts Paolo Russo, General Secretary at Stati Generali dell’Innovazione, Founder of Crowddreaming about VIRTUAL REALITY AND TOURISM HOTEL DIGITALIZATION. Guillaume Fontagne, Managing partner at Hotel Advisor Consulting and Former Director of Hotel Astoria and Hotel Balneario de Orduña will present ‘HOTEL DIGITALIZATION’